Thursday, March 19, 2009


And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance In a storm in my best dress

I have really enjoyed these past two days. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous. On our road trip to Galveston and Moody Gardens yesterday, the kids and I were zooming down the highway blaring Taylor Swift, singing at the top of our lungs, ZoĆ« and I in our matching "bug" but, oh, so fashionista, sunglasses. Caleb rolling his eyes in between mouthing the words under his breath so we won't hear him. We've just spent time together, laughing, singing, dancing around, acting silly…fearless. I don't know how it gets better than that.

It has been a long time since I have felt this, well, fearless and it made me realize how rarely I let myself experience this feeling. I began to wonder how to hold on to this feeling and "all this beauty" I wish I had some profound insight. I wish I could write that I figured it all out, that I finally got it all together. But I don't. But maybe that is how you be fearless: you grab hold of somebody's hand and rush headfirst, especially when you don't know where you are going. I don't know where I will end up, it is all up in the air, but here I go…fearless.

1 comment:

  1. Run Sister, Run!!! No Regrets! you only get one time around! Make it count and keep your eyes open wide enough that you don't miss even seeing the people that will love you through ANYTHING!
